Thursday, September 27, 2012

'B' is for Beethoven and Bhangra

On Wednesday and Thursday we continued to learn about the letter ‘B’. We read the book Beethoven’s Wig by Richard Perlmutter.
The children made jingle bracelets with bells and beads. Then we listened to Bhangra music and had a lot of fun jingling and dancing.
We finished the day by learning two new songs: Baby Bumble Bee and Little Bunny Foo Foo

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Nose Knows!

Arden's smelly Kool-Aid painting.
On Monday and Tuesday we explored our sense of smell and read the book Smelly Socks Robert Munch. We learned that some smells are good, some are bad, and that our noses can warn us of danger, such as smelling smoke from a fire. We also started to learn about the letter ‘B’.
In art, the children used watercolour paints made with Kool-Aid to create delicious smelling paintings.
We sang the song Smelly Feet and then went outside to play Duck, Duck, Goose.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Red Day!

On Wednesday and Thursday we read the book Parts by Tedd Arnold. We learned that things like loose teeth and peeling skin are a normal part of growing. We also continued to learn about the letter ‘A’ and sang the song, ‘A Comes First’. 
Myla's Red Collage

The children explored the medium of collage and made red collages for Red Day in art.
In music, we continued we continued to learn about tempo by moving to adagio (slow) and allegro (fast, lively) music.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A is for Action, Adagio & Allegro

On Monday and Tuesday we read the book Hello Toes! Hello Feet! by Ann Whitford Paul. We explored many different things that our feet can do like jumping, stamping, spinning, leaping, etc. We also started to learn about the letter ‘A’.

Owen's Action Painting
In art, we looked at the action painting Autumn Rhythm (Number 30) by artist Jackson Pollack. Then the children made their own action paintings using marbles dipped in paint.
We explored the tempo terms adagio (slow) and allegro (fast, lively) in music. First, we listened to some music compositions and decided if they were adagio or allegro. Then we continued to learn about fast and slow tempo by moving to the music compositions.
We ended the day by singing the Apple & Banana song.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hands Are Not For Hitting!

On Friday we read the story Hands Are Not For Hitting by Martine Agassi. We learned about all of great things we can do with our hands like waving, clapping, painting, playing and more. We also learned that we shouldn’t use our hands to hit because it hurts other people.
Since it was a beautiful day, we went outside after snack to play shadow tag. Then we finished the day by singing Five Little Monkeys, Five Fat Sausages, and Sally Go ‘Round the Sun.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Marvelous Me!

Our theme for September is ‘Marvelous Me!’, so on Wednesday and Thursday we read the story Wash Your Hands! by Tony Ross. We learned about germs and discussed why it’s important to wash our hands before eating. Then we made pretend germs on the children’s hands using washable marker and washed the germs off before snack time.
After snack we looked at artist Richard Long’s Mud Hand Circles. The children used paint to make their own handprints on their portfolios. The portfolios will stay at school to hold all of the art they make throughout the year.
We ended the day by using our hands and fingers to sing Five Little Monkeys and Five Fat Sausages.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Welcome to Preschool!

Monday and Tuesday were the first days of preschool for most of the children, so spent time exploring our new space and environment in the MacKenzie Art Gallery.  
We also read the book The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. In this story, Chester the raccoon doesn’t want to go to school, so his mother kisses his hand so her love will go with him everywhere. Then the children gave their parents a kissing hand when they arrived at the end of class.