Thursday, December 9, 2010

More Snow!

In today's class we also read the book Snow, used scarves to move to Snow is Dancing, and looked at Maude Lewis’ snowy paintings in art (see Wednesday).

In music, the children learned about the term 'pizzicato', a technique where the strings of a violin are plucked with the fingers instead of using a bow. Then we listened for the pizzicato section in the Chinese Dance from the Nutcracker, and plucked along on our pretend violins. After, we used ribbon sticks and explored the Chinese Dance through movement, tiptoeing around whenever we heard the pizzicato.

Kyri had her special day in the afternoon. She brought her collection of Disney princess and Barbie dolls to show the class. Then her mom read the story, If You Give A Moose A Muffin. Thank you, Debbie, for helping out today!

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