Tuesday, February 1, 2011

S is for Seurat

Mackenna's Q-tip Painting
Today’s class starting learning about the letter ‘S’ and also listened to the story, Scaredy Squirrel (see Monday). We talked about our fears and explored what it looks and sounds like when we panic.

In music, we listened to the song, A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea, and the children played their rhythm sticks on the music cue of “sea, sea, sea”.

We looked at the painting A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, by Seurat. Then the children painted in the style of pointillism, using Q-tips to create pictures with dots.

In the morning, William had his special day. His mom read the book, If You Give a Pig a Party, and then William passed around his toys motorcycles while the children asked him questions about his show & tell. Thank you Lenita for your help today and for the cupcakes!

REMINDER: Wednesday – Friday are beach days. Wear beach clothes!

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