Friday, January 21, 2011

The Biggest Thing in the Ocean

Briana's blue collage
This morning we read I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean, a book written and illustrated by Kevin Sherry. A giant squid thought he was the biggest thing in the ocean, but he and the children both learned that whales are even bigger. The children also learned the new song, Ten Little Fish.

After snack, we sang If You Are Wearing Blue, and then we went on a little trip up the stairs and down the hall to see the large ocean mural which is painted on one of the school walls. The children enjoyed pointing out all of the different types of fish they have been learning about.

For blue day, the children made blue collages in art. They ripped and glued all kinds of materials to make their collages: paper, feathers, buttons, foam pieces, pipe cleaners, wool, buttons, beads and more!

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