Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When Will It Be Spring?

This morning we read the story, When Will it be Spring?, written and illustrated by Catherine Walters. After reading the book, we pretended to be hibernating bears. If the little bear cubs woke up and it was spring, they needed to wake mama bear (me) up. Amazingly, it was a very short winter!

In music, I dug out my recorder and played a song for the children. It took a few tries! The children noticed it was a lot like a flute, so we talked a bit about woodwind instruments. Since we can’t share a woodwind instrument (those icky germs!), I blew into the recorder, while each child took a turn on the fingering.

We also continued to play a steady beat with our rhythm sticks. After exploring different ways of playing, we sang the song Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, while tapping a steady beat. Then the children added a second coat of paint to their rhythm sticks. Each one is a masterpiece now!

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